Wednesday, November 7, 2012


November 5, 2012

One in 25 people that you know has no conscience and can do anything, to anyone, without guilt, shame, or remorse.

This is the assertion of psychologist Martha Stout. I had an “aha” moment after learning about sociopaths; it explains much about human behavior that has long baffled me, and it might shed light on the character and motives of the two men at the top of the GOP ticket. I will leave it to people more intimate with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to judge, as I am dependent for clues upon what information makes it into the media spotlight. But, both Romney and Ryan conspicuously exhibit behaviors that suggest they are members of that 4% who lack a conscience.
Stout calls sociopaths “ice people” and says they often have “a kind of glow or charisma that makes them more charming or interesting than the other people around them. They’re more spontaneous, more intense, more complex, or even sexier than everyone else.” Without genuine human connections, Stout says, sociopaths tend to be fundamentally bored, so they stimulate and entertain themselves by playing games with other people. They are manipulators, thrilled by winning, dominating, making others jump through hoops. The clues Stout shares that bring to mind Mitt Romney especially are that sociopaths are commonly and casually deceitful, and they are generally attracted to power.
Stout was on the staff of Harvard Medical School for 25 years, working with victims of emotional trauma. She eventually grew curious about the people capable of inflicting the horrors she heard about from her clients. What she discovered is that 4% of the population lacks a conscience. These conscience-free people are termed sociopaths or psychopaths. Sociopaths, she says, appear to figure out early in life that they are different from others, and they learn to mimic the emotional responses of non-sociopaths. The result is that people do not realize sociopaths are playing by a very different set of rules. Stout wrote a book, The Sociopath Next Door, because she thinks we can see through the act and protect ourselves from these people if we know what to look for.
These are sociopathic markers gathered from Martha Stout’s writings, and from Doctors Paul Babiak and Robert Hare, along with some of my own observations.
·         Sociopaths are attracted to positions of power, and the more helpless their subordinates, the better.
·         Sociopaths learn to appear to be kind and good, often extraordinarily so.  Projecting a polished image of goodness is vital to sociopaths and they put a lot of energy into impressing people with their goodness, their power, their accomplishments, or their acquisitions.
·         They sometimes lie for no particular reason, when the truth would serve just as well.
·         They are superficial, and use people as a means to an end.
·         Most sociopaths are not criminals, in a legal sense; they make up only 20% of the incarcerated.
·         They enjoy risk, but not responsibility.
·         They frequently engage in flattery.
·         They particularly enjoy corrupting or debasing the innocent, noble or pure of heart.
·         They have above average rates of alcohol or drug abuse, suicide, and they are often hypochondriacs.
·         They are narcissistic and supremely self absorbed, with an excessive need for admiration.
·         They have a sense of superiority, grandiosity, and entitlement.
·         They will use the pity play to gain sympathy or cooperation.
·         They may make themselves the center of attention by hogging conversation or belittling others.
·         They are not mentally ill (and thereby treatable), they simply lack the capacity to love or feel empathy.
·         They have no internal moral compass, but they need to fool people and they enjoy power and manipulating others, so the codified rules and moral authority of organized religion can be useful tools for them. Tragically, religious hierarchies have long been a favored refuge of the conscienceless.
·         Corporations are sociopathic by charter so sociopaths rise naturally to the tops of these institutions. 
·         Government, of course, is a sociopath magnet. Imagine the competitive advantage in business or politics of being totally without scruples and able to do whatever it takes to defeat a competitor or opponent who suffers from the afflictions of ethics and a conscience. The power of high office is like a drug to sociopaths.
·         They have just one mood, no extremes of happiness or sadness, no matter the circumstance. They are unmoved even at the death of people they supposedly love.
·         They have infatuations and obsessions, and can be possessive, but they do not truly love others.
·         Money is their measure of everything and they obsess on controlling it.
·         Charity is a useful tool and they engage in charity to be seen, to score points for future use or to polish their façade of goodness.
·         They are masters at making others feel guilty while appearing to be altruistic, ill-used or self-sacrificing.
·         Their cruelty and manipulations can be clever and subtle, and they play mind games to dislodge a victim’s trust in his or her own perceptions.
·         The sociopaths I know are all married- to people they can control- but their children mostly see through them.
·         Twin studies suggest there is both nature (genetics) and nurture (environment) involved in creating a sociopath. Sociopathy runs in families.
·         Sociopaths take aging hard as it reduces sex appeal, a valuable tool, and they tend to fight it with sometimes absurd results.
·         They accrue skills over time, but never wisdom.
·         They seem to lack intuition and, while they lie frequently to others, they cannot easily tell when someone is dishonest with them.
·         They are frequently respected leaders, bastions of community, school, church, or business.
·         They may have many acquaintances, and maybe pawns or sycophants, but they have no real friends.
·         Sociopaths do not see themselves as broken; they think people of conscience have the deficiency.
The misery and devastation this 4% of society wreaks is highly disproportionate to their small number. Sociopaths are the people who start wars, scar children, outsource jobs to countries with slave wages, and crash economies for personal gain. They are the kindly, smiling, child molesters, con artists, and toxic polluters. The prospect of the saber rattling Mitt in control of the most powerful military on earth, sans conscience, is very, very scary to me. Sociopaths blind-side us with behavior that is simply unfathomable to those in possession of a conscience. Possibly the most intriguing point Stout offers is that there is actually a test; the brains of sociopaths differ neurologically from the brains of others.
If you monitor electrical activity in the brain of a person with emotions, there is a reaction to emotional words like love or mother- not so with a sociopath. When sociopaths are given a decision task involving emotional topics, brain imaging finds that they use the part of the brain non-sociopaths use to solve algebra problems. If only we could get Romney and Ryan in the MRI machine and ask them questions!
The bald-faced BS generously issuing from the lips of Mitt Romney these days suggests that he has a sociopathic compulsion to deceive. Perhaps the reason President Obama froze up during the first presidential debate was that he was in shock at the stunning transformation of Mitt into an unrecognizable moderate, after the ultra conservative act he has been performing in his road show of late. Mitt also does not seem the least bit embarrassed when his lies are discovered and refuted- another sociopathic red flag. He is even “doubling down” on a thoroughly refuted lie in ads he is currently running in Ohio. Sociopaths, incapable of feeling shame, are typically unfazed when their deceits are uncovered- they go on as if nothing happened. Mitt spews major, whoppers about Obama’s record, and he changes his story and positions depending on who he is talking to. This goes way beyond the fuzzy, evasive “politi-speak” of your typical politician. There are numerous reputable groups tracking Mitt’s torrent of untruths  and reversals. Here are a few of his flip flops, for example.
·         Abortions should be safe and legal. Roe v. Wade should be overturned.
·         He’s for stem cell research. He’s against stem cell research.
·         He likes health care mandates and they work. Mandates are unconstitutional.
·         He’s a moderate. He’s severely conservative.
·         He would be stronger on gay rights than Senator Ted Kennedy. He supports a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.
·         He supported and signed an assault weapons ban in Massachusetts. He’s against any gun control legislation.
·         He was proud of his health-care legislation in Massachusetts (the model for Obamacare.) He disowns the healthcare system he established in MA.
·         He thinks the planet is getting warmer, humans are contributing, and he pushed the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. He questions climate-change science.
·         The dog was in an “air tight” kennel of the roof of his car for a 12 hour drive. The dog likes the “fresh air” riding on the roof.
Accounts of people impacted by “eyes of a snake” Mitt Romney, abound on the web. Mass Knows Mitt, lets residents of his home state of Massachusetts post their experiences with Mitt; it’s not pretty and a lot of them describe a sociopathic character. People recount that he cooked the books, claiming to balance the budget and lower taxes, while really shifting payments onto citizens and cutting essential services. They seem to think he only took the job as a stepping stone to run for president, which he did on their dime, while “badmouthing” their state.
There are the multiple well documented Bain lies, and the verified story, which Mitt conveniently forgets, of his cruel attack on a gay schoolmate back in high school. There is also the account of the Mormon mother of four, Carrel Sheldon, whose pregnancy threatened her life. The woman was accidentally overdosed on blood thinner which caused heavy internal bleeding and severe kidney damage. Her life was “clearly in peril” and her doctor told her the pregnancy could be fatal, so he recommended she abort. The woman asked advice of her stake president, a Mormon official and Harvard-trained physician, who told her to protect her own life so she could continue caring for her children. Mitt, a Mormon bishop at the time, came to Sheldon uninvited and told her the 8 week fetus was more important than she was. “There was no empathy forthcoming from Romney, according to Sheldon, no warmth or sympathy” at this difficult and frightening time. Sheldon says Romney yelled at her and called her a liar and “didn't seem to care a lick about her personal well-being.”
Then there is the sordid tale of Delphi. Romney is running ads where pensioners of auto parts manufacturer Delphi bizarrely blame Obama for cutting their pensions after the auto bailout. The real reason the pensions were cut is that the sociopathic vulture fund, Elliot Management, which took control of Delphi for pennies on the dollar, refuses to pay what is owed retirees, electing to spend Delphi’s ample new profits (made possible by U.S. taxpayers), to buy up other companies. Taxpayers spent billions saving Delphi, upon whom GM and Chrysler depend for steering columns. Meanwhile, Romney and company shipped every single union job at Delphi to China. Romney’s stake in the vulture fund has made him at least $15 million and possibly as much as $115 million- tax free as Delphi’s headquarters were moved to a tax haven.
Between the copious deceit, the shameless hypocrisy, the profiteering and greed, his driving lust for power, and his cruelty, condescension, and absence of empathy, Mitt Romney seems a close match for the profile of a sociopath. 
The primary thing that makes me suspect Paul Ryan might also be a sociopath is his enthusiasm for the philosophy of writer Ayn Rand. Paul Ryan said in a speech in 2005 “I grew up reading Ayn Rand, and it taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are and what my beliefs are. It’s inspired me so much that it’s required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff.” Ryan says Rand is the reason he went into politics, and he gives Rand’s books, ironically, as Christmas presents! An article on the GOP’s religion woes quotes the “napkin” version of Ayn Rand’s philosophy:
“Rand's novels are vehicles for a system of thought known as Objectivism. Rand developed this philosophy at the length of Tolstoy, with the intellectual pretensions of Hegel, but it can be summarized on a napkin. Reason is everything. Religion is a fraud. Selfishness is a virtue. Altruism is a crime against human excellence. Self-sacrifice is weakness. Weakness is contemptible.”
This atheistic philosophy is conspicuously at odds with Paul Ryan’s professed Catholic faith, and Ryan has attempted to distance himself from Rand after some folks noticed this incongruity. I imagine, however, that Ayn Rand’s elevation of selfishness and greed into supreme virtues spoke to something deep in Ryan’s psyche. His formerly unbridled worship of Rand’s philosophy suggests that he delightedly recognized in her ideas something that gelled with his natural inclinations. Ayn Rand is a cheerleader, proudly trumpeting the sociopathic value system- survival of the fittest, contempt for the sick, the weak, the disabled, the poor, or the unlucky. Let the orphans starve does not go over well with some Christians, however, so Ryan has had to verbally dance away from the edge on Rand. Ryan’s fiscally fraudulent, Republican approved budget, however, is clearly based on the fundamentals of Rand’s philosophy, so we can see where his heart (such as it is) actually lies.
Stout says we may protect ourselves from sociopaths by being aware that not everyone we meet is controlled by a sense of connectedness and responsibility to others. She instructs us to question authority, to watch for small lies, to suspect flattery and the pity play. If you spot the façade of a probable sociopath, she says, refuse to be sucked into their games. If you must deal with them, call them on their deceit, their cruelty, or their manipulations. I say, protect yourself and don’t worry too much about hurting a sociopath’s feelings, because they have none. I would also suggest that it is not a great idea to vote a person into the most powerful position on earth after he shows signs of being a sociopath, free of conscience and capable of doing anything, to anyone, without guilt, shame, or remorse.

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