Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Texas Governor Rick Perry suggested a while back that if the federal government doesn’t change it’s ways, Texas might have to secede from the Union and become an independent country. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/18/us/politics/18texas.html

It happens that Texas sucks more federal revenues than Texans pay in federal taxes, so I say, let them secede, please

Abby Zimet published a commentary on The Republican Party of Texas’ platform on Common Dreams: http://www.commondreams.org/further/2012/07/02
“Texas GOP: Yes to Hitting Kids and Discriminating, No to Voting Rights, Thinking, the Dune Sage Brush Lizard and the Gays
     Opting to ignore reality as most of us know it, the newly released, truly astonishing Republican Party of Texas’ platform opposes "all efforts of the extreme environmental groups that stymie legitimate business interests," calls for abolishing the Voting Rights Act and EPA, rejects affirmative action as making race "a divisive force in American life," declares that homosexuality "tears at the fabric of society" and defines marriage as "a God-ordained, legal and moral commitment only between a natural man and a natural woman," AND opposes "the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority." Later, a  spokesman said the critical thinking part was actually "an oversight," so go ahead and think if you want, but obviously not homo thoughts.

And this from the New York Times on Texas' deep concern for the health care of citizens ("Let them sick poor kids die off- don't need em!")

“A quarter of the residents of Texas, 6.3 million people, are uninsured, by far the highest percentage in the country. (That number includes more than a million children.) Texas ranks last in prenatal care and finished last on a new federal assessment of overall health quality that examined factors like disease prevention, deaths from illnesses, and cancer treatment.
Yet Gov. Rick Perry — strangely puffed up as he was so often in his presidential bid — recently told the Obama administration that he would proudly refuse a huge infusion of Medicaid money that would significantly reduce those shameful statistics and cover 1.7 million more people. The same indifference to suffering that pushed Texas to the bottom is now threatening to keep it there.” Source: NYT on Texas
So, I’m thinking Texas should secede, or maybe even be kicked out of the Union, and all the sane, rational, caring people can pick up and move across the border to the U.S. And if we are really lucky, all the social Darwinist conservatives and libertarian wackos from other states will flock to the new right wing paradise. Texas is the second largest state geographically- there is plenty of room for them all. Sounds like a win-win to me. 

Of course, after a bit, it may become untenable for most of the residents, but that will be a matter for the State Department to deal with, won't it?  http://www.alternet.org/teaparty/149332/secession!_what_would_it_look_like_if_red_states_formed_their_own_country/

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